Dear Manish,
Bearer Cheque: As name suggest, A cheque the payment for which can be negotiated by bearer of that cheque irrespective of the fact that he is real owner or not. A bearer cheque is generally issued in name as “Self”. A person who is having that cheque can negotiate payment for that cheque. A bearer cheque is easily transferable by one holder to another.
Crossed Cheque: A crossed cheque contains two parallel line on the top left corner which means this cheque is crossed and payment for a crossed cheque is not paid over the counter. Payment of a crossed cheque is deposited directly in the account of the person as mentioned on the cheque. If account number of payee is also mentioned then payment of that cheque can only be made in that account. But if account number is not mentioned then payee can claim payment of that cheque in any of his bank accounts. A crossed cheque is non-transferable.