Due Dates of Income tax as applicable for FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25)
(A) Due date for filing Income tax Return
Category | Sub-Category | Original Due date | Extended due date (if any) |
Individual & HUF | whose accounts are required to be audited u/s 44AB (ITR-3) | 31-10-2024 (Audit report is to be filed upto 30-09-2024) | |
A working partner where the firm in which he is a working partner has to get its accounts audited u/s 44AB. (ITR-2) | 31-10-2024 | ||
who is required to furnish report u/s 92E | 31-10-2024 (Audit report is to be filed upto 30-09-2024) | ||
Other Individuals or HUF (ITR-1 or ITR-2 or ITR-4-Sugam) | 31-07-2024 | ||
Firms, LLP, AOP, BOI, AJP, HUF, Co-op. Society , Local authority | If required to get its accounts audited under income tax law or any other law (ITR-5) | 31-10-2024 (Audit report is to be filed upto 30-09-2024) | |
If not required to get its accounts audited (ITR-5) | 31-07-2024 | ||
Company | Any Corporate Assessee (ITR-6) | 31-10-2024 (Audit report is to be filed upto 30-09-2024) | |
Trust, Colleges, political parties | Trust, Political parties and colleges etc who are required to file return u/s 139(4A), 139(4B), 139(4C) or 139(4D) (ITR-7) | 31-10-2024 (Audit report is to be filed upto 30-09-2024) | |
If not required to get its accounts audited | 31-07-2024 |
Note: (1) As per section 139(4) any person who has not furnished a return within the time allowed to him under sub-section (1), may furnish the return for any previous year at any time before the end of the relevant assessment year or before the completion of the assessment, whichever is earlier. This is called belated return.
(2) As per section 139(5) (as amended by Finance Act 2017) return filed as above can be revised up to the end of the relevant assessment year or before the completion of the assessment, whichever is earlier. After amendment by the Finance Act’2016, the belated return can also be revised.
(3) W.e.f FY 22-23 (Budget 2022) new section 139(8A) is inserted to provide that any person, whether or not he has furnished a return u/s 139(1), 139(4) or 139(5), may furnish an UPDATED RETURN of income at any time within twenty-four months from the end of the relevant assessment year. The UPDATED RETURN is not allowed for loss return. The tax liability should not reduce. The UPDATED RETURN u/s 139(8A) is required to be accompanied by the proof of payment of tax as required under section 140B. But no updated return is allowed to be filed for the assessment year relevant to the previous year in which search is initiated or survey is conducted or requisition is made and two assessment years preceding such assessment year.
(4) In order to ease compliance burden on senior citizen pensioners who are of 75 years of age or above, it is proposed in Budget 2021 to exempt them from the requirement of filing of income tax if the full amount of tax payable has been deducted by the paying bank. This exemption is proposed to be made available to such senior citizens who have only interest income apart from the pension income.
(5) Finance Bill, 2020 has prescribed Due Date to file a Tax Audit Report that the due date to furnish a tax audit report is one month prior to the due date of filing of return of income. Hence, the due date to file a tax audit report is linked with the ITR filing due date. Further, the Bill has extended the due date of filing of return of income u/s 139(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 to 31st October from 30th September. Hence, the due date of the Tax Audit report filing is 30 September.
(6) In Budget 2021, In order to reduce compliance burden, the time-limit for re-opening of assessment is being reduced to 3 years from the current 6 years from the end of the relevant assessment year. Re-opening up to 10 years is proposed to be allowed only if there is evidence of undisclosed income of ` 50 lakh or more for a year. Further, it is proposed to completely remove discretion in re-opening and henceforth re-opening shall be made only in cases flagged by system on the basis of data analytics, objection of C&AG and in search/survey cases. Further, in order to bring certainty in income tax proceedings at the earliest, it is also proposed to reduce the time limits for general assessment or processing of income tax return by three months and also for filing of returns.
(7) W.e.f Financial year 2017-18, penalty u/s 234F is introduced for delay in filing the return. If assessee failed to furnish return of income within due date as prescribed in section 139(1) then he is required to pay penalty as follows:-
- Rs. 5000 if return is furnished on or before 31 December of assessment year.
- Rs. 10,000 in any other case.
(However, if total income of the person does not exceeds Rs. 5 lakh then fee payable shall be Rs. 1000 and no penalty shall be levied if total income does not exceed minimum income not chargeable to tax.)
(B) Due date for payment of advance tax (FY 2023-24 & AY 2024-25)
Installments | Due date | For any assessee (except assessee referred in next column) | Assessee declaring income under 44AD / 44ADA |
1st | on or before 15th June | 15% of advance tax | nil |
2nd | on or before 15th Sept. | 45% of advance tax | nil |
3rd | on or before 15th Dec. | 75% of advance tax | nil |
4th | on or before 15th March | 100% of advance tax | 100% of advance tax |
(1) Only If your total tax liability is Rs 10,000 or more in a financial year then you have to pay advance tax.
(2) Taxpayers who opt for presumptive scheme are exempt from advance tax for FY2017-18.
(3) Upto FY 2015-16, there were separate percentage of advance tax payable for individual (nil, 30%, 60% & 100% due on same dates ) and separate percentage of advance tax for corporates (15%, 45%, 75% & 100% due on same dates) But by Budget 2016 (W.e.f FY 2016-17) common percentage of advance tax payable is made applicable for all assessees except the assesee who declares his income in accordance with section 44AD & 44ADA.
(4) Any payment of tax made on or before 31st march of same FY, shall also be treated as advance tax.
(5) Some incomes such as capital gains and some speculative incomes(lottery and gambling etc) are hard to predict accurately, Hence if the shortage in payment of advance tax on account of under estimation due to such income then no interest in charged u/s 234C. But advance tax for these income is to be paid in forthcoming installment once actual income for these is known but before end of FY i.e. 31st march.
(C) Due date for payment of TDS & TCS (FY 2023-24 & AY 2024-2025)
For the Month | Non-Government | Government |
April 2023 to February 2024 | 7th of next month | Last date of Current month in which TDS/TCS is deducted or collected |
March-2024 | 30th April 2024 | 7th April 2024 |
Note: Time limit for depositing TDS deducted on the purchase of immovable property u/s 194IA is within 30th day from the end of the month in which payment of consideration is made.
(D) Due date for filing TDS return (FY 2023-24 & AY 2024-25)
Quarter | Period | Last Date of Filing |
1st Quarter | 01-04-2023 to 30-06-2023 | 31st July 2023 |
2nd Quarter | 01-07-2023 to 30-09-2023 | 31st Oct 2023 |
3rd Quarter | 01-10-2023 to 31-12-2023 | 31st Jan 2024 |
4th Quarter | 01-01-2024 to 31-03-2024 | 31st may 2024 |
(E) Due date for filing TCS return (FY 2023-24 & AY 2024-25)
Quarter | Period | Last Date of Filing |
1st Quarter | 01-04-2023 to 30-06-2023 | 15th July 2023 |
2nd Quarter | 01-07-2023 to 30-09-2023 | 15th Oct 2023 |
3rd Quarter | 01-10-2023 to 31-12-2023 | 15th Jan 2024 |
4th Quarter | 01-01-2024 to 31-03-2024 | 15th May 2024 |
(F) Due date for issuance of TDS & TCS Certificate (FY 2023-24 & AY 2024-25)
Form No. | Periodicity | Due date |
Form-16 (TDS on salary) | Annual | 31st May of next financial year |
Form-16A (TDS on non-salary) | Quarterly | Within 15 days from due date of furnishing TDS return |
Form-16B (TDS U/s 194IA)) | Quarterly | Within 15 days of furnishing challan in Form No. 26QB |
Form-27D (TCS) | Quarterly | Within 15 days from due date of furnishing TCS return. |
(G) Due date for uploading Declaration received u/s 15G/15H (FY 2023-24 & AY 2024-25)
Quarter | Period | Last Date of Filing |
1st Quarter | 01-04-2023 to 30-06-2023 | 15st July 2023 |
2nd Quarter | 01-07-2023 to 30-09-2023 | 15st Oct 2023 |
3rd Quarter | 01-10-2023 to 31-12-2023 | 15st Jan 2024 |
4th Quarter | 01-01-2024 to 31-03-2024 | 30th April 2024 |
(H) Due date for filing Annual Information Return(AIR) of specified financial transactions and reportable accounts in form 61A & 61B
To keep a watch on high value transactions undertaken by the taxpayer, the Income tax Law has framed the concept of “statement of financial transaction or reportable account”(previously called as ‘Annual Information Return (AIR)’). This statement is required to file by specified persons in form 61A & 61B upto 31st May of next Financial year. For FY 2023-24, this is required to filed upto 31st May 2024.
(I) Due date for filing Belated Return u/s 139(4) or Revised Return u/s 139(5) or Updated Return u/s 139(8A)
As per section 139(4):-
- upto to FY 2015-16- belated return could be filed at any time before completion of one year from the end of assessment year or before completion of assessment whichever is earlier.
- From FY 2016-17- belated return can be filed at any time before the end of assessment year or before completion of assessment whichever is earlier.(from FY 2016-17, a belated return can also be revised)
As per section 139(5):-
- upto to FY 2016-17- revised return could be filed at any time before completion of one year from the end of assessment year or before completion of assessment whichever is earlier.
- From FY 2017-18- revised return can be filed at any time before the end of assessment year or before completion of assessment whichever is earlier.
As per sertion 139(8A):-
- W.e.f FY 22-23 (Budget 2022) new section 139(8A) is inserted to provide that any person, whether or not he has furnished a return u/s 139(1), 139(4) or 139(5), may furnish an UPDATED RETURN of income at any time within 24 months from the end of the relevant assessment year. (Updated return for FY 2022-23 can be filed upto 31st March 2026.)
- The UPDATED RETURN u/s 139(8A) is required to be accompanied by the proof of payment of tax as required under section 140B. (if upated return is filed without compliance then it will be treated as defective return u/s 139(9).)
- No updated return is allowed to be filed for the assessment year relevant to the previous year in which search is initiated or survey is conducted or requisition is made and two assessment years preceding such assessment year.
- But provisions of updated return u/s 139(8A) is not applicable if “it is return of loss” or “If It has the effect of decreasing the total tax liability determined on the basis of return furnished u/s 139(1), 139(4) or 139(5)” or “If it results in refund or increases the refund due on the basis of return furnished u/s 139(1), 139(4) or 139(5)”.
Financial year | Belated Return can be filed an any time before completion of assessment or date given below, whichever is earlier.(U/s 139(4)) | Revised Return can be filed an any time before completion of assessment or date given below, whichever is earlier. (U/s 139(5)) | Updated Return can be filed within 24 months from the end of relevant AY. (U/s 139(8A)) |
2014-15 | 31-03-2017 | 31-03-2017 | |
2015-16 | 31-03-2018 | 31-03-2018 | |
2016-17 | 31-03-2018 | 31-03-2019 | |
2017-18 | 31-03-2019 | 31-03-2019 | |
2018-19 | 31-03-2020 (extended upto 30-11-2020) | 31-03-2020 (extended upto 30-11-2020) | |
2019-20 | 31-03-2021 (extended to 31-05-2021) | 31-03-2021 (extended to 31-05-2021) | 31-03-2023 |
2020-21 | 31-03-2022 | 31-03-2022 | 31-03-2024 |
2021-22 | 31-03-2023 | 31-03-2023 | 31-03-2025 |
2022-23 | 31-03-2024 | 31-03-2024 | 31-03-2026 |
2023-24 | 31-03-2025 | 31-03-2025 | 31-03-2027 |
(J) Penalty for Delay in Filing Income tax Return
Upto Financial Year 2016-17
- Upto Financial year 2016-17, If income tax return (belated return) is filed upto the end of assessment year then there is no penalty for delay in filing the return.
- But if income tax return is filed after the end of assessment year, then Assessing officer may impose penalty of Rs. 5000/-. It is power of AO, he may or may not exercise this power after giving due hearing opportunity to assessee.
W.e.f Financial year 2017-18,
Penalty u/s 234F is introduced for delay in filing the return. If assessee failed to furnish return of income within due date as prescribed in section 139(1) then he is required to pay penalty as follows:-
- Rs. 5000 if return is furnished on or before 31 December of assessment year.
- Rs. 10,000 in any other case.
- (However, if total income of the person does not exceeds Rs. 5 lakh then fee payable shall be Rs. 1000 and no penalty shall be levied if total income does not exceed minimum income not chargeable to tax.)